
We love to interview freelancers and micro business owners about their experiences, challenges and day to day lives.

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claire kinnaird
Freelance Life

Claire Kinnaird on Freelance Life

Day to day right now, you’ll hear Claire Kinnaird on Edge Radio and see her reporting for PLZ Soccer. But Claire’s a freelancer who can very effectively turn her hand to most things media related. So we caught up with her to find out about freelance life.

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media enquiry journo request platforms
Stacey MacNaught

7 Media Enquiry Services (That are not HARO)

For anyone looking to get a client or their own brands in the press, media enquiry services can be game changing. HARO is probably the most well known, but by no means the only one. So here are some more UK centric alternatives you should try in 2024.

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